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Friday, June 10, 2011

Key Dungeon Siege - 3

The release date for Dungeon Siege 3 (III) will soon be upon us, so we hope that you have enjoyed our coverage of all what has been going on in its build up? Back in February we gave you an update as to when the game was going to be released; then we offered 40 new screenshotsand finally we informed you that the playable demo was being made available at the end of May. Now we thought that you would like to learn of a few key facts to wet your appetite.
Things got off to a bad start for the game due to developer confusion, instead settling for Obsidian Games. Alex Lucard from Diehard GameFAN has decided to offer his ten thoughts, and for the most part he seems a little unimpressed. The first gripe is with the default setup, now we know that developers will never be able to please all gamers -- it’s not as if it takes long to change.
His second issue is due to the fact that Dungeon Siege III is very similar to a host of other RPG games on the market, but only the best ones of course. His third problem with the game is the lack of customization, he feels as though this lets the game down in a big way when there are other games that offer so much more.
However; it is not all bad though; as Lucard loved the story and how it draws you in. Another good point is a feature called “bread crumbs", which allows you to find your way back and not get lost. The sidekick is key to this new version of the game, just as it has been in the past. Just remember; influence them well throughout the game, as this makes a huge difference.
It is too early to tell if Dungeon Siege III will be a winner or not, that is all down to you.

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